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Vol.2 No.12 Mar.20, 1968 Grace Potts, Editor

Every week we receive thank-you letters from boys in Viet Nam for the program tapes we send them, free of charge. Typical of their letters is the one quoted below:

"I would like to thank you and all the men at WKNR for the tape that I was very glad to receive. Myself, and a few other men from the Detroit area are enjoying it very much.

"You were so right about the tape bringing home just a little closer. Hearing the news and the KEENER jingles takes my mind from this place and brings me home for an hour. That only a letter from home can do.

"This tape shall go home with me to remind me of the people who did care for the men over here and not the protesters who were so few but spoke with such a loud voice. For myself and all the men in Viet Nam I want to thank you and everyone who have taken, but even a minute to think of us over here."

Sp4 Dale Lemke

From George Opra, our night switchboard plugger, comes the following spindled message: "Sean Conrad does headstands in the lobby before his show and in the DJ lounge during his shows. Says it helps him think." Sean has been with us only a few days and already he's making "head" lines. (OK,. so sue me!)

Dick Buller's wife underwent surgery Thursday, March 14, to correct a gall bladder condition. (We're happy to report she is recovering satisfactorily.)

Your editor's nephew, Terry Sanders, is a student at Ferris State College and was recently pledged to the same advertising fraternity, Alpha Delta Sigma, which honored Jack Davidson last December. When advised of this, we sent the copy of INSIDE KEENER which informed all readers of that occasion.

We learn that that particular copy of the paper is now part of the fraternity scrapbook. (Does this mean we are now a syndicated newspaper. or just scrap paper???)

Tours of the station: Wednesday, March 13, Pack 1153, 8 Cub Scouts from Dearborn Heights.

Phil Nye makes the paper again this week. and it's newsworthy! Last Friday, March 15, he was a Judge in the Dearborn High School Forensic Radio Competition in which 10 students competed for a chance to go on to statewide competition, (Next step, Phil, beauty contests???) J. Mike Wilson spoke to a radio-speech class at Cody High School, Wednesday, March 13.

PROJECT DETROIT subject for Sunday, March 24, will be the program which was scheduled for March 17 - "UFO's Revisited" featuring Stanton Friedman, a scientist who believes in extraterrestrial beings. Because of the monetary crisis, the March 17 show was "The Great Gold Rush."

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