The Wayback Machine -

Vol.2 No.14 Apr.3 1968 Grace Potts, Editor

For the second year in a row, WKNR is the recipient of an award from the Boys' Clubs of Metropolitan Detroit. In a ceremony held Monday night, April 1, Paul Cannon accepted the award for the station which is given for outstanding community service. Only six awards are made each year. The Detroit Edison Company and the supervisor of Redford Township were among the other recipients.

If it has seemed unusually quiet around these parts since Friday, it's because all of the "wheels" have been spinning around at the NAB Convention in Chicago. The aforementioned "wheels" are Mr. Patterson, Jack Davidson, Frank Maruca and Jerry Martin.

Employment anniversaries this month: Mr. Patterson, April 14, 1947: and Dave Sarkesian, April 6, 1953.

In a thank-you letter received April 2 from one of the servicemen who is a recipient of our taped programs, there was enclosed a card announcing that "WI<NR is now an Honorary Crew Member of the USS Kishwaukee AOG-9 and entitled to all the rights and privileges thereunto.1I The card was signed by the Commanding Officer.

Mr. Patterson's Gal Friday, your editor, was his guest last Tuesday night, March 26, at the banquet in Cobo Hall honoring Detroit's Top Ten Working Women and saluting "Women Who Work".

Paul Cannon, who is a member of the Dearborn Kiwanis Club and who is chairman of the boys and girls work committee of the East Dearborn Kiwanis Club, took the two Program Department gals, Barbara Williams and Barbara Collins (also known as "B&B Productions") to the Tuesday, April 2 meeting.

The guest speaker was John Sinclair, who is the spokesman for the hippie community in this area. The Kiwanis ClUb, we're sure, will never be the same after this appearance (by Sinclair, that is - not B&B Productions.)

The J. L. Hudson Company's "Action Age - Seventeen Day" event, at which three of our DJ's made an appearance, was an overwhelming Success and Hudson's was very pleased with the turnout.

The KeeNeR Gang hereby acknowledges receipt of, and sends .its thanks, to Howard Stitzel for the box of oranges he sent from Florida - which we promptly chomped up.

Tuesday morning, April 2, we were advised that Mr. Patterson was the winner of a Funny Bunny Lamp, one of 50 which were to be given away by the Mister Donut Shop before Easter. Since Mr. Patterson has never been in the Mister Donut Shop, the obvious question is, "OK, who's the wise guy that signed his name?"

PROJECT DETROIT subject for Sunday, April 7, 1968 is "The Breedloves - A Speed Family."

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