The Wayback Machine -

Vol.2 No.31 August 7, 1968 Grace Potts, Editor

As we mentioned last week, there's always a new way devised to surprise KeeNeRites when it's birthday time. Bob Williams, however, pulled a fast one on everybody. It was his birthday last Friday but he brought his own cake - and you have to admit, that's different. Our thanks, too, go to Mrs. Bob because she baked it.

B & B Productions were easily lured into their birthday celebration on Monday when Paul Cannon told them their services would be required in the production studio. (B & B Productions, in case you've forgotten, is Barbara Williams and Barbara Collins). And they thought they were on their way to fame and fortune! Hah!

Our Bath Tub Buggy was awarded last week to Mr. and Mrs. James Lipka of Lincoln Park and Monday we received a very nice thank-you letter from them.

Jack Sitta and family journeyed to Toronto over the weekend to pick up daughter Peggy who has been taking instructions in the fine art of figure skating.

J. Mike Wilson was a Judge on Saturday, July 27 at Wonderland Shopping Center to pick a beauty queen, Miss Wonderland.

Due to an unintentional oversight, we failed to mention an anniversary last week - Doug Christie started with us August 1, 1967.

Ann Mitchell is on vacation this week, spending the time in Florida. or is she a delegate and didn't tell us?? Don Niska is also away this week, spending the time with his family near Traverse City.

WANT AD DEPARTMENT: Barbara Collins wants a big desk, preferably antique - with lots of drawers; and, of course, your editor has been trying to find a house for months.

Visitors to the station: Saturday, August 3, Mr. Patterson was the guide for Mr. Bob Foster and his daughter. Mr. Foster is an advertising executive at Ford Motor Company.

If you didn't see the Bath Tub Buggy or KeeNeR's Dream Car, there are pictures of both of them posted on the bulletin board in the front hall.

Don Oswalt is back to work after two weeks' vacation touring the Thumb area of Michigan. His family liked it so well, they stayed there. Also, Bill Settles takes off next week for a cruising vacation on the big lakes. On a recent fishing session he landed a l7-pound muskie.

PROJECT DETROIT Subject for Sunday, August 11, 1968 is "Ethnic Groups and Higher Education."

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