The Wayback Machine -

Vol. 2, No.34 Aug.28, 1968 Grace Potts, Editor

Last week's notice that Mrs. Knorr had some kittens she'd like to place in a good home brought results for her. Dave Forster's little girl is now the happy owner of a gray and white one which it is expected she will name Frank. She's had two others all named the same.

Today is Ed Busch's birthday so stop beatin' around and wish him Happy!

As reported last issue, Jerry Martin is on vacation this week, heading for the southwest, and Diane Christie of Michigan Spot Sales has been spending some time in Northern Michigan. Also, Bill Hauke is vacationing in Rogers City, Michigan after arriving there via the boat he constructed.

Ann Mitchell's daughter Debbie has been chosen as one of 30 students who attend Robichaud High School to participate in three workshops sponsored by the Ford Foundation. The purpose of the workshops is to try to determine what can be done to establish a better atmosphere in the school for learning-and-student-relations.

Representatives of the University of Michigan will be acting as consultants and the students will be paid for their assistance in the sessions to be known as "Project Change."

John Small reports on more calls received in regard to his FM show. One came in recently from Alma College, and another came from an old 1940 jazz man, Toots Theilman, and Peggy Lee, currently appearing at the Roostertail.

Rich Pawlowicz rejoins the staff today and will be assigned to the operation of our news cruiser.

Last Thursday, August 22, Phil Nye participated ina panel discussion at a class of graduate students at Michigan State University on the Subject of "Systematic Planning."

Don Wagner last weekend journeyed to Morton, Ill. {near Peoria} to attend a high school class reunion and found that one of his classmates had become a millionaire by accident. He is an electrical contractor who had been working on a process for insulation of cable and wiring and accidentally developed a coating material to which nothing would stick, not even paint. Upon determining what use could be made of such a material, Teflon was born.

PROJECT DETROIT Subject for Sunday, September 1, 1968 will be I"Small Business and the Inner City Student" - a report on how Campbell-Ewald Company has opened employment for six inner city students during the summer months.

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