The Wayback Machine -

Vol. 2, No.35 Sept.4,1968 Grace Potts, Editor

You may have heard what seemed like a familiar voice yesterday and you'd be right. Finding the f!uiliar face to go with it might be a little difficult. Chuck Borchard has returned to us after a brief stint in service and is sporting a rather large mustache .

September anniversaries of KeeNeRites: Don Wagner, September 1, 19531 and Carole Wiedeman, September 23, 1963 .

Phil Nye was interviewed last week by a graduate student from Michigan State University whose thesis was to cover the problems of the local radio station news rooms .

Last Sunday, Oakland University conducted a concert for young people, featuring underground music. Russ Gibb, out of the goodness of his heart, put the show together and MC'd it. It is reported that approximately 8000 people showed up - in the pouring rain . Practically all the announcements for the show were made on FM.

A KeeNeR hello to two new staff members who joined us this week. Mark Allen, our newest DJ, comes to us from WPTR in Albany, New York. He will be filling the Bob Harper slot of 7 PM to 10 PM Monday thru Friday and 7 PM to Midnight Saturday. Bill Applegate, now part of our news staff, formerly worked at WJIM in Lansing. Welcome to the gang.

Helen Reakes was on vacation last week and journeyed to New York City where she showed daughter Debbie her birthplace. On vacation this week is Ann Mitchell . Part of her vacation was spent in Indiana.

It seems that our people were pretty much stay-at-homes over the Labor Day week-end. The only traveling we were able to dig up was made by Rich Pawlowicz who went to the Manistee area.

Dan Henderson has registered at Henry Ford Community College to take a course in business administration .

INSIDE KEENER says "Happy Birthday" to Steve Allevato. It's today.

Another program of drag boat racing is scheduled for this coming Sunday at Oxford Lake near Lake Orion and Mickey Patrick will be doing the announcing.

PROJECT DETROIT Subject for Sunday, September 8, 1968 is "The Czech Crisis - What's to Come." Dr . George W. Simmonds, Wayne State history professor, discusses what new developments may arise in the immediate future in Czechoslovakia and other eastern European nations.

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