The Wayback Machine -

Vol.2 No.39 Oct.9, 1968 Grace Potts, Editor

Thursday will be a big day in the life of Bob Krueger, a high school student from Livonia. On that day he will receive KeeNeR's Dream Car here at the station.

We herewith officially greet our new FM DJ Martin Bell who started with us Tuesday, October 8. An interesting sidelight regarding Martin is that he is an Episcopal priest.

Paul Cannon made a personal appearance at Woodworth Junior High School Tuesday, October 8 to talk to a class of music students. We hope the class was as impressed with Paul as he was with the teacher - he said he never had one like that when he went to school!

Carole Wiedeman's daughter Suzanne, a recent graduate of Bentley High School, has taken a position with Michigan Bell in the Data Processing Department at
the Southfield office.

Mr. Patterson was toastmaster last evening at the 24th annual dinner meeting of the Dearborn Chamber of Commerce. An interesting sidelight is that 22 years ago, at the only other Dearborn Chamber of Commerce Annual Dinner at which he presided as toastmaster, Mr. Pat had the pleasure of introducing a young man by the name of Fred Knorr who had just received a license for a radio station in Dearborn.

Latest information we have is that Wanda Jarvis will be back in the fold on Monday. We wonder if she will be as glad to get back as Kathy will be to have her.
Jerry Goodwin is now working full time on our FM in the 9PM to 2AM slot. Incidentally, you might like to wish him Happy Birthday on Friday.

Father Dion, a representative of the Dearborn Pastors Union, called on Paul Cannon recently in regard to updating the format ot the Dearborn Church Hour which is carried on our air. He is a man who has very progressive ideas and was very impressed with another program we carryon FM at 11:30 Sunday morning called Silhouette which is a 'rock-religious' format.

A few weeks ago we announced the arrival of Martin Buffalini into our ranks and mentioned his hobby of old cars. It seems we have stirred up a rivalry between Martin and Don Wagner. Martin recently bought a 1925 Dodge Deluxe 4-door sedan - from its original owner _ in excellent condition. He also has a 1930 Model A Tudor Ford Sedan. His note to your editor describing his latest acquisition included the note, "Eat your heart out, Don Wagner."

PROJECT DETROIT Subject for Sunday, October 13, 1968 is "The H.E.O.C. Program" - how a self-help program aids inner city students needing both financial and academic help to further their education on the college level.

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