The Wayback Machine -

Vol.3 No.12 Mar.26, 1969 Grace Potts, Editor

If it has seemed a little quieter than usual around the station the last few days, it's because a couple of our people haven't been here to stir things up. Mr. Patterson and Jerry Martin have been attending the National Association of Broadcasters' Convention in Washington, D.C.

Episode No.3 in the Life of Barbara Collins. as of this writing she's leaving to join her husband in Rhode Island. It seems his 'official' orders were changed a few days after he received them and now he's not sure where he's going!

Our newly arrived all-night disc jockey Rick Stewart has given notice that he is leaving us to go into business with his father-in-law in Sandusky, Ohio - in the dry cleaning business. His last day will be Sunday, April 6.

If you're looking for excuses as to why you've been putting on weight lately, maybe you'd like to try this one. our handyman Bob Williams says his new choppers have been working too well!

Southfield High School's radio station WSHJ has extended an invitation to Paul Cannon to be interviewed on Friday, March 28. Paul's topic of discussion will be "Radio's Responsibility Relating to the Music It Plays."

Incidentally, if you've been wondering about Paul's dark glasses, they're hiding contact lenses he's trying to get used to.

The familiar face in Accounting is Don Niska who's returned to the fold and 'glad to be back.'

Because of unfavorable performances by the Doors, their concert on Friday, March 28 has been cancelled. WKNR will not knowingly be a party to any shows considered objectionable or not in good taste. The show of Blood, Sweat and Tears, the Rationals and Sunday Funnies remains scheduled for Sunday, March 30, in Ford Auditorium.

We learn by the grapevine that Several of our FM disc jockeys have made appearances recently on local television - Martin Bell, John Small and Russ Gibb. Jerry Goodwin will be a guest on April 5.

Speaking of Jerry, he very proudly announced to your editor that he has been selected to be recognized in Who's Who in the American Junior College according to a letter from the Asst. Dean of Students at Oakland University. Congratulations on this achievement, Jerry.

True to his word that if he got leave after graduation he would visit the station, Rich Pawlowicz (Keener's "Polish Army", by his own definition) came to see us Monday, March 24.

PROJECT DETROIT Subject for Sunday, March 30, 1969 is "The Crisis in Education" - a discussion of the financial plight of both public and private schools as viewed by educators and lawmakers - a special one-hour program.

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