Classic Tracks from Mix Magazine – Rag Doll

The success of the Jersey Boys Broadway show has introduced an entire new generation to the life and music of Frankie Valli and the Four Seasons. One of my most cherished albums is Vee Jay records “International Battle of the Century“, where the label pitted the Seasons against the Beatles. It was the result of Capitol’s myopic decision to pass on an American release of the first two EMI Beatles singles. Vee Jay bought the rights and shipped “Introducing the Beatles” on October 1, 1964. As the band gained traction in the US demand for the record skyrocketed. In a brilliant piece of marketing, Vee Jay combined “Introducing the Beatles” with “Golden Hits of the Four Seasons”, a two album set, wrapped in the cover you see at left. The package even came with a card where you could vote for your favorite.

The production behind the two bands could not have been more different. The Beatles were still primarily making their music with their own instruments, under the staid guidance of an EMI engineering team who primarily recorded religious music and talks. The Seasons had connected with Bob Crewe and were backed by a wall of sound worthy of Phil Spector. From Mix Magazine, here’s the story of how one of the Season’s biggest hits, “Rag Doll”, came to be. Like much of the magic that exploded out of our car radio speakers in the 60s, this is a tale of tenacity, talent and serendipity, that mixed together to create a million seller that entered the WKNR Music Guide at #28 on June 11, 1964.