Where the Airchecks are…

ReelToReelTapeBox“Aircheks”, recordings of DJs with the music cut short. The coin of the realm when jocks were looking to move onward and upward. Originally, airchecks appealed primarily to those of us in the business. “Inside baseball” as it were. But as time passes, the content of these small snippets of history have become touchstones for a generation wanting to remember what life was like back in the day.

Keener13.com has an extensive library of aircheks featuring WKNR personalities, from the earliest dScreen Shot 2014-07-03 at 1.14.26 PMays of the station, right up to the very last song Keener ever played. But we’re not the only place where radio’s past is still alive and well. Of the free aircheck sites, airchexx.com is one of the best. You’ll find some Keener stuff there, along with great memories from great talent who plied the trade in other markets.
And if  you want to see what it was like to stand behind the microphone and make the magic. Art Vuolo’s amazing VuoloVideo.com website is the place to go. Art is know in the business as “Radio’s Best Friend”. But we like to think of him as the foremost Radio Archivist in broadcast history. Nobody has recorded more DJs at more stations. You get that fly-on-the-wall experience we all wish we could have had when radio was king and everything was Keener.