Happy Birthday Linda Ronstadt

Bob BerruyBy Bob Berry

Linda Ronstadt is 69 years old today. And I must share a secret.

LindaThe two founders of Keener13.com, Steve and Scott, along with yours truly, have been huge fans since we first heard Linda and The Stone Poneys on Keener in the fall of ’67, with their version of Mike Nesmith’s “Different Drum

We also know that makes us part of  huge fan base, that grew with her successes through the decades, and who wish Linda well as she cofronts the challenges of Parkinson’s Disease. And that’s the crux of this post. Our favorite singer cannot sing, because of those challenges.

And so, others sing, or sang, for her. If you did not see Linda’s long-overdue 2014 Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Induction, check out the presentation video, complete with Glenn Frey’s passionate induction speech.

And then, turn your speakers up a bit, and watch Carrie Underwood, Emmylou Harris, Bonnie Raitt, Sheryl Crow and Stevie Nicks (and Glenn singing backup just like the pre-Eagles days) give one of the great performances, honoring one of the great performers.

Happy Birthday, Linda. We Love You