Update: See You In The Popcorn Line & New Trailer

star-wars-force-awakens-official-poster-691x1024By Bob Berry

(Updated 10/19/2015 with the new Star Wars trailer previewed on Monday Night Football, 10/18, below)

I blame most of my affection for the movies  on Detroit’s Bill Kennedy.

The long run (1956-1983) of his “Showtime” show on Channel 9 and  his “Bill Kennedy at the Movies” on Ch. 50, complete with the stars and stories, and Bill’s over-the-top delivery; gave me an appreciation for the movies (and old Warner Brothers films) that continues to this day.

And, so, when LucasFilms unveils the official poster (left) for the new Star Wars film, The Force Awakens, I’m in, I’m geeked and I’m sharing! 🙂

Especially with news that “an exclusive look” at the new film was shown during Monday Night Football tonight (10/19) on ESPN.

10/20 Update: Here it is, if you have followed the previous two trailers, all we know is the visuals are stunning!

Star Wars: The Force Awakens premieres December 18th.