Paul Christy Dies at 69

Another Keener connection closed this week when Paul Christy passed away at age 69. Born Paul Christides, Christy was on air during Top 40 radio’s prime, gaining notoriety at WCFL in Chicago before turning his attention to programming. He put his mark on WCAR, WABX and WMXD in Detroit. But Keenerfans will remember his collaboration with Ed Christian that brought the Keener brand briefly back to the air in the late 70s as WWKR. One of the announcers he hired to work at the reborn Keener 13 was co-founder Steve Schram. On the FM side, Christy brought Alan Almond to Keener’s FM successor, WNIC, and helped create the popular Pillow Talk program. He also discovered a young man named John Huzar who was working as Tom Michaels?on WAAM in Ann Arbor. Today we know him as WMGC morning ace Jim Harper. Christy returned to the air, doing mornings at WKSG-FM 102.7 in 1984. He never lost his love for the business, continuing to make personal appearances until health issues started to slow him down.