What’s up with the Keener Podcast?

After more than three years, the Keener Podcast has faded into history. Why? 1) The day jobs that Steve and Scott have are keeping us pretty busy and time has been at a premium. Both of us won’t do anything Keener related unless we’re certain it will live up to Keener standards. 2) It costs us around $1,000.00 per year in copyright fees to ASCAP, BMI and SESAC. While we heartily support the new podcast licensing structures that these visionary agencies have created, we do all of our Keener projects with our lunch money and the women who manage our finances are telling us to get underwriters or “cut it out”. 3) While several groups of music podcasters continue to work with the RIAA on a mechanical license fee scenario and the association has been kind enough to allow our mentors at places like Coverville to continue to podcast while discussions continue, a mechanism does not currently exist to allow us to use the great Keener music effectively. Everything about Keener13.com is above board and legal and we intend to keep it that way. Our hope is that the RIAA will come to understand the value of podcasting as an effective vehicle for promoting and selling the great music of the Keener era. It’s truly timeless and should be exposed to new generations. Thanks again to Jon Wolfert at Jingles.com for allowing us to use the great PAMS Keener jingles. What may become of the Keener Podcast library? Who knows, WKNR is the most featured radio station on XM’s 60s on 6 channel. Maybe you’ll hear them over there some day soon!