Sonic Boomers

By Susan Whitall – From her Blog at
As much as I read online, there’s always something I discover I can’t quite live without. This week it’s Bill Bentley’s Sonic Boomers website.

I found out about Sonic Boomers from a fellow Creem editor who had an old story picked up and republished in the “Past Print” section (this week Jaan Uhelszki’s story on the Allman Brothers is featured); then an interview I did with Frankie Miller for Creem was bought and posted there so I had to check it out.

There’s a great story by Harvey Kubernik on Motown 50 and the Funk Brothers, various music and music book reviews and an eye-opening account by “Miss Vicki” of her brief marriage to Tiny Tim. Who knew that years after their odd marriage was done they still would have screaming arguments over the phone, although three days before he died, they made peace.

Younger generations haven’t a clue what “Tiny Tim” or “Miss Vicki” is all about, but that’s why Bentley calls it “Sonic Boomers.”

Susan Whitall writes about music, books, pop culture, radio and more for The Detroit News. You can reach her at