What if Twitter were a Radio Show?

When radio was king, why did we listen?  The music for sure, but at its zenith, the DJs were the real draw.  What they said between the tunes was the glue that kept us tuned in. That’s my goal with the @ScottOwensShow on Twitter. I try to give you useful information and entertain you as your feed rolls by. Trivia, pop culture history, musical backstories, videos, inspiration. If I’m doing it right, you’ll find it all on the feed, right between your eyes.

No political rants here; just factoids, fun and the essentials to hopefully make your day go a little bit better. I used to do exactly that on the airwaves. Let’s do it together here!

Plug us in.. Turn us on.. “Follow us” in the vernacular of today. Just like it used to be when your briefings on all that’s cool from your radio, I guarantee your cocktail conversation will be markedly improved!