Lost in the mix…Sky Saxon RIP

By Susan Whitall – From her Blog at DetNews.com

Everybody talks about celebrity deaths coming in threes — in this case it would be Ed McMahon, Farrah Fawcett then Michael Jackson — but it’s also a truism that many notable deaths get lost in the shuffle.

Sky Saxon died Thursday as well, cause of death not yet official. He didn’t have the fame of Michael Jackson, but he led the Seeds, who, with “Pushin’ Too Hard” were one of the key garage bands of the late ’60s. The Seeds on the surface were one-hit wonders, but that hit had so much impact on generations of bands, and fans that it’s hard to measure.

Saxon had recently moved to Austin and was set to be a part of the California ’66 tour along with remnants of Love and the Electric Prunes.

Curator’s note: The Video link in Susan’s blog post came from an episode of “The Mothers In Law” an NBC TV series, starring Eve Arden and Kay Ballard, that ran on WWJ (now WDIV) TV from 1967-1969. Rock groups were often featured on TV series in the 60s. Perhaps the strangest appearance was when the Beau Brummels traveled back in time to sing “Laugh Laugh” on The Flintstones.