Keener Lives in Ohio

Frank Hartge is one of our most dedicated Keenerfans. He’s my Ebay agent, with an eye out for anything on that site connected to WKNR. And he’s probably the only person in the state of Ohio with his own personal Keener license plates. “The DMV wouldn’t let me use the actual call letters, so I opted for this, which is probably better anyway,” he says. “Not that anyone in central Ohio will know what it means!”

Update: Frank’s not the only one to immortalize Keener with license plateage. The “Reel” Tom Ryan, legendary CKLW board-op and a major contributor of WKNR history to this site, has the Michigan version. “I also have (from the past) a non-vanity Michigan plate ‘KLW 800’ and also a non-vanity Ontario plate ‘KLW 800′”, he writes. ” Both of those plates were regular issues. I had to wait in line in two different countries to obtain those plates in my name. That happened when I moved back to Michigan from Windsor in 1978.” Now that’s dedication!