Jerry Martin Honored with Carl Lee Broadcast Engineering Excellence Award

Long time WKNR engieering ace Jerry Martin was one of two Michigan broadcasters to be honored with The Michigan Association of Broadcasters Carl Lee Broadcast Engineering Excellence Award. Jerry began his career as a radio engineer in 1946, assisting in the construction of Keener’s predecessor, WKMH and holds the distinction of being the second employee hired by Fred Knorr at the station. His many accomplishments through the years include supervising the installation and construction of the present day transmitting facilities of WNIC-FM. Since retiring in 1985, Jerry has worked as a consultant and co-authored the operating information for what is now known as the Emergency Action System (EAS). He is a life member of the Society of Broadcast Engineers and Certified Senior Broadcast Engineer. And.. He built that incredible reverb unit that gave WKNR its distinctive sound.