TBT With The Four Tops

Four TopsBy Bob Berry

Keener’s Scotty Regan tells a great story about The Four Tops, and their lead singer Levi Stubbs.

It seems one day Scotty was walking into Motown’s offices on W. Grand Blvd, when he runs into Levi, and asks how he was doing. The answer (which I am paraphrasing) threw him for a loop:

“Man, Holland-Dozier-Holland just had us record our worst song ever. They had me singing like a black Bob Dylan..”. And off Levi steamed.

As it turns out, Levi was wrong, twice. “Reach Out, I’ll Be There” became the Tops’ second Number One single, 49 years ago today, October 12th, 1966.

And he forgot that Levi Stubbs, pushed to imitate Dylan or not, was always, unmistakably, Levi.

I hope you enjoy Throwback Thursday, with “Reach Out” (and Scotty helping out on vocals!) recorded live at The Roostertail for Keener’s Motown Monday. May Levi, Larry and Obie rest in peace, with thanks for the joy they brought us, then and now.