The Beatles at Shea Stadium 50 Years On

Beatles at SheaBy Bob Berry

It was 50 years ago this weekend. The Beatles changed, like they changed a lot of things, the live concert experience.

The Beatles played Shea Stadium in Queens, New York.

Oh, sure, there would still be shows at the Masonic Temple, or the Fox Theatre. But for the really big groups, August 15, 1965 showed the way to new venues, opportunities and riches.

Play baseball stadiums when you can. Make major arenas, seating 14-17,000 the norm. And while it is true that it took a few years for the sound and light capability to catch up and properly showcase the artist, there was no waiting, and no turning back. Not from the moment that Ed Sullivan said those words..”here are The Beatles!”

There’s an interesting side note to the ’65 show. On July 16 and 18, 2008, Billy Joel played two concerts before the legendary Shea Stadium met the wrecking ball. The first of the two Last Play At Shea concerts closed with Paul McCartney joining Billy on stage, and how Paul got to the show, and who he met before going on stage; is nearly as compelling at Sir Paul and Billy knocking “I Saw Her standing There” out of the park!