Happy Birthday to the Jukebox

jukeboxBy Bob Berry

November 23, 1899, the world’s first jukebox was installed at San Francisco’s’ Palais Royal Hotel.

My favorite jukebox, at the original Mr. Joe’s on Northwestern Highway in Southfield, was loaded with rock, pop, country, and American Songbook classics. And for a number of years in the early 70’s, and especially during the holidays, we would inevitably gather at Mr. Joe’s, for stories, both true and false, cold beers, burgers and laughs.

Equally inevitable was one of us deciding it was time for our favorite song.

I think it was #116. Based on the amount of quarters we fed Mr. Joe’s jukebox, it should have been Number One!




Happy Birthday Tony!


By Bob Berry

An American Treasure celebrates a birthday today.

Tony Bennett is 89 joyful years young.

And all of us at Keener13.com wanted to say thanks, for the artistry, for waking us, via MTV Live, to the music of the Great American Songbook, and for the gracious collaborations with artists of all generations and genres.

We’re very glad you’ve been part soundtrack of our lives.

 Buon Compleanno, Mr. Bennett.